Executive AI Handbook
Provides an a broad understanding of how to leverage AI within any business. Focused on how large corporations can adopt AI across the value-chain of the organisation this is a perfect introduction for any C-suite or director level role. It not only give a non-technical introduction to AI and Machine Learning, but it details various guides and frameworks that will help companies to build and deploy AI at scale.
The Golden Age of Algorithms
It seems obvious that the future of wealth and prosperity will be driven by expertise with advanced algorithms. Some call it the next Space Race, others the next Arms Race, either way, we are entering the golden age of the algorithm. This is not only a national race, but also a commercial and individual race too. And calling this an AI Arms Race or Digital Warfare is probably more accurate than a Space Race.
We have already heard about an AI fighter pilot that is more performant and capable than the best of the best human test pilots, and AI applications are helping to defend against security cyber-attacks. Computers are hacking computers. How is this not digital warfare?
But this isn’t just about traditional warfare, this is about business and commercial success too. Only those companies that embrace the benefits that advance algorithms can deliver will survive. This will be the new major differentiator for firms. One only has to look at some of the trailblazing firms to already see this happening. Business models are changing, dramatically, with global start-ups, unicorns, having defined the landscape of many traditional businesses.
Algorithms will have a massive impact on individuals too. In many cases they already are, from mortgage approvals, medical diagnosis, recommendations for purchases, to who you should date, they touch our lives in so many different and usually hidden ways that one can argue we are already being shaped and controlled by the power of the algorithm. We do this as we trust that data holds the universal truth and that we are making better decisions by putting our faith in the algorithms that analyse these huge datasets.
This raises a lot of questions around AI Ethics, AI Governance and AI Safety, these are hot topics that many high-profile advocates are highlighting the need for more investment and research on these subjects to support the rise of AI in general. Without these support frameworks the algorithms could spin out of control.
Are you ready for the golden age of algorithms?

Overview & Preview
13 Chapters
159 Pages
The world is changing at an exponential rate and the global pandemic in 2020 accelerated digital transformation and the need for automation, data analytics and predictive algorithms within many different industries. Applications, and more importantly, the general acceptance of AI dramatically increased over the last few years.
This now puts increased pressure on business leaders to start the adoption of AI within their own companies or risk the advantage going to their competitors. The pressure is not only coming from competitors, but client expectations are increasing as they see what is possible with these cutting-edge technologies.
But the technology landscape for AI is complex, full of different vendors, platforms, tools, applications and frameworks, hundreds, and hundreds of alternatives and options, with more new capabilities being developed every month. How does any business leader keep up to date and able to make informed decisions?
This can often lead to inertia, with many unable to prioritise AI adoption due to the fear of the unknown and the fear of failure.
This book will help you navigate these challenges, so you feel more comfortable starting the AI adoption journey.

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Your guide to AI Strategy for Business Leaders